Election post


Having been an executive on the BSA this past year, I intimately understand the program from the ground up. This has also given me the added benefit of observing what the current year has done well and areas in which improvements may be made. I also believe that my organisational, administrative, and logistical skills, as proven by my ability to juggle multiple commitments from being the president of Men's Lacrosse to being an executive on this very program. 

As director of the BSA next year I wish to implement the following, 

  1. Create systems surrounding regular weekly occurrences, especially in term 1 such as workshops. This would be achieved through weekly checklists for the entire team. 
  2. A heavier emphasis on socials to create a community of enthusiastic founders who will then be able to spur each other on. This will mainly be achieved through a dedicated socials executive. 
  3. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities such that each individual in the team is aware of their job scope and therefore more confidently execute their jobs
  4. Create a consistent feedback system for participants, speakers, and executives to allow for open communication and continual improvement