Election post


This society is important to me. Yes, there is the love for electronic music and the love for rave culture, but ultimately EMS has introduced me to some of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. To be able to represent as president would be a genuine honour. 

I started in my first year as a rep and soon got a taste for the sorts of opportunities that EMS was providing. It was fun, we could play out at clubs and share music with one another. There is something special about that. However, at the time less emphasis was being placed on socials which undermined the whole essence of what a society should be about.

This year I took on the role of Head of Events and worked with the rest of the committee to improve the society. We introduced more socials, ran more DJ and production lessons and did our best to cultivate an inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy themselves. It has been a blast so far, but the year isn't over just yet and there are many exciting projects still in the works.

For the remainder of my term this year and continuing into next year, I want to keep working on these ideas with fresh perspectives from the society and the rest of the committee. These projects span growing our events, running socials with different themes, and increasing industry outreach through talks and panels. I am very excited at the prospect of working with EMS and the committee next year. Drop me a vote and I am sure you won't regret it :P