Election post


Frank is the Founder and President (22-23) of the UCL Education Innovation and Edupreneurship Society. He is a Year 2 Student in BSc Psychology with Education at the Institute of Education. He founded this society in September 2023, with the vision of transforming the IOE into an education innovation hub and the mission to kickstart the journey of education innovators and entrepreneurs through creativity, people and knowledge. Over the past 4 months, the society has been extremely active under his leadership. EIE is growing into a passionate community with median attendance numbers (projected by the end of Term 2) at 35 individuals per event. The committee is also rapidly expanding and EIE is continuously reaching a larger audience in education and beyond. Frank has also built numerous professional networks with potential guests, which are paramount to the development and expansion of this society in the 23-24 academic year.

A vote for Frank would be greatly appreciated, so he and his team can continue to run the society for the 23-24 Academic Year. Having the founding team and Frank’s leadership in place is essential to grow EIE further and develop strong roots for continuation after the founding team graduates. Thanks for your trust and help!