Election post


I’m currently a 2nd year Psychology student but have always enjoyed taking part in drama in whatever form it takes - whether that be in acting or behind the scenes.

Since joining UCL, I've tried to involve myself with the drama society as much as I can and have made so many of my closet friends through doing so. The society and drama in general mean a lot to me. Alongside taking part in Drama Soc over the past 2 years, I started running an unofficial play reading group which meets weekly. It would be my hope to integrate this more into Drama Society, increasing accessible opportunities for people of all experience levels and/or interests in drama. I feel this is important to provide a relaxed environment where people can explore texts and meet others without the added anxiety and/or commitments of auditions and performances. This, paired with planned existing workshops, could increase some confidence when approaching texts and auditioning for plays (both small shows and Blooms shows). Alongside this, I'd like to try increase the visibility of Drama Soc and our different opportunities and showcases whilst pitching for the return of past events, such as a freshers play. Perhaps this could take the form of integrating more with other societies e.g., Musical Theatre Society and Shakespeare Company. Also merch! 

I’d hope to work with the president and the rest of committee to create an environment where society members feel welcome to make suggestions and realise their ideas.