Election post


Hi, I’m Anezka! I’m currently studying 2nd year English here at UCL and have been a part of the Drama Society since I joined the university, taking on the role of Secretary this past year. I have been wholly dedicated to my position, making sure not only that the newsletters are up-to-date and informative, but also fun and vibrant. I think it is important for our society to be run in a lively and collaborative way, serving as an alternative to the mundanity of exam stress and heavy workloads. Having said this, leadership is equally as pivotal for the success of a society, hence I have fully integrated myself in important processes this year. I never shy away from doing more than my role asks of me since I enjoy being involved. I realise that social integration is important in making sure both that society members are comfortable with their committee, but also that our society can act as a network rather than a hierarchy. I am applying for President within the Drama Society since I know I would be able to successfully handle the responsibility of this role, given my experience as Secretary. I have already had an insight into the workings of the Drama Committee and fully understand the responsibilities that come with this role, having worked closely with our current President. I feel as though having pre-existing societal knowledge is key in being able to perform such a high-profile role. Alongside this, I have a sheer passion for drama that I will infuse into everything I do.