Election post


Hi everyone!!

I want to briefly introduce myself. I'm a second year anthropology student with too much time on my hands and I probably like dogs more than humans at this point.

I joined this society last term so I could have an outlet for my dog needs and stop annoying my flatmates with instagram videos of puppies, but it has not been as active as I hoped. I still find myself sending them too many dog photos and videos and texting my parents every two days for more photos of my dogs.

I have three dogs at home, and I miss them so much (at one point, we had 8, she had puppies!). London people don't really like it when you approach them and ask to pet their dogs, even if you're at Regent's Park.

As president, I will have at least one activity a month for this society for all of you who, like me, miss their dogs. It's a 14 hour flight for me to visit them, so it's better if I find somewhere else to pet dogs for now. I also propose other dog-related activities, like movie nights, but movies with dogs in them. I would also like to work with non-profit organisations to bring them the help or resources they need. We could also volunteer at dog refuges in London, like Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, and help find them a home or meet other needs. 


I hope you vote for me so we can create a more active doggo soc!