Election post


Hiya, I’m Phillip (aka PP-baddie)! I am nominating myself to be the welfare officer for the UCL’s dodgeball society. I am a second-year pharmacy student with about a year of dodgeball experience. You can see me in social sessions and now competitive sessions too!

My first contact with dodgeball was during first year exam season. I found being smacked around with balls flying was and still is an amazing way to destress. Dodgeball is a great family to be in. I would love to become the welfare officer for this society as I love the atmosphere and the amazing mood, and I want to keep this .

Being a pharmacy student, I recognise the importance of any society having a welfare officer. The values and qualities of being a welfare officer superimposes with my ideals too. If you have any worries in dodgeball, life, or anything else please come to me, I will try my damndest to help you and we can solve this together.

Sadly, I don’t bite and I'm also very easily accessible. Just come up to me at social sessions, or simply, through email or just a text. I love to listen, if you feel stressed, anxious, or under pressure or for any reason, please talk to me. I’ll try my best to help you. This goes for dodgeball or just in life in general.

I enjoy being smacked around with balls, but if you think other people are hitting you with balls too much you can come to me! I'll smack them! ...with dodgeballs... totally...

Come to me if you have any questions about dodgeball if you need anything!