Election post


this is a picture of me debating in an incredibly bad out-round this year. but this is also a picture of my reaction when I saw you almost scrolling past and not reading what is the singularly most inspiring, tear-jerking, earth-shattering "about me" section. just kidding. I think you should vote for me because of 4 reasons. 1- I like convening, so I will try my best not to make our events suck. 2- I have experience convening in high school (reach out if you wanna know more!), so I won't accidentally make our events suck. 3- I like a good time so I will also make sure our events aren't boring and in turn... suck  4- I'd like to think I have a good relationship with the other members running as I got to know everyone in comps and trainings this year, so I'll also be able to have a good relationship with other members of the committee and welcome their input in case they think I suck 

you have nothing to worry about though, I'm great and promise to do really good things. vote for me thanks.