Election post


I’m Emma and I‘d love to be your VP next year!

As this year’s Scheduling Officer, I co-produced the 24h show, so am confident in producing just as great of a show next year, with knowledge on all of the SU forms required to run a Charity event, as well as the coordination of cast rehearsals. Helping out during all of dance society’s showcases this year has strengthened this experience and made me into a strong problem solver when difficulties arise on show days.

Two years of being involved in every show and competition and one year being on committee has given me extensive knowledge of everything we do in dance soc, so I hope to advise new committee members next year and communicate our many events clearly in class announcements. I’ve also experienced taking Dance Soc committee meeting minutes a few times when our VP was away, so am familiar with how to structure these and use my listening skills to keep track of deep committee discussions!


My aims as your VP:
    ⁃    Identifying key points from our meeting minutes for monthly instagram and mailer updates. This would make members feel more involved in committee plans and make the actions we take in response to feedback more public.
    ⁃    Working with the Scheduling Officer to plan rehearsals for the 24h show further in advance to get better rooms
    ⁃    Organising the committee jackets as soon as possible as this process can take forever!

I would really really appreciate your votes, thank you so