Election post


Hey everyone! I'm Gemma, a second-year medic and also the current dance soc treasurer and TD producer! I have been on committee for the past two years (freshers rep as well!) and I can honestly say I know all the ins and outs of dance society, especially all the forms that need to be done for dance soc to run smoothly <3

I believe that through being Treasurer, I have developed key skills in communication and time management and developed a good rapport with committee members as I got closer to them during the year (hopefully will be able to have the chance to do the same next year); and as TD producer, I have the leadership skills needed to lead the committee and also have prior experience to producing a big 'show' and will hopefully be able to make Triple Bill even bigger and better than before!

My goal for next year is to start seeing how to implement long-term changes that can impact our society for the better; listen and coordinate well with next year's committee to provide a similar experience I was able to have when I first joined, making it as inclusive as possible; introducing more socials that help provide links between all aspects of dance soc; and last but not least, I am committed to making dance soc an enjoyable experience for everyone, bringing together and strengthening our dance soc family.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being in dance soc throughout my time at UCL and would love to try taking on the challenge of being president next year so VOTE FOR ME;)