Election post


Hi, I'm Bethany and I'm running for cycling president. The UCL cycling club has been an influential factor for my enjoyment of first year so far, with a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that must continue forward. For over 10 years I have been racing at national and international level, and I'm excited to be able to share my knowledge for those looking to become more competitive, as well as those who have already dabbled in the raw thrill that is bike racing. Although cycling in London can be challenging, the opportunities for multi-discipline racing are plentiful, such as the winter London CX League and early season circuit races at Lee Valley Velopark. I'm happy to guide those interested.

In addition, let's continue the excellent work by Tarek of integrating the London Uni cycling clubs. Regular rides into Surrey and Essex would boost the name and social aspect of the club, something I aim to develop using contacts I have with teams. Not to forget our local parks: Regents being a versatile site for training (pacelines, chain gangs), as well as the much-loved cafe ride. I am also keenly aware of the challenges women face in the sport, and will endeavour to continue women-only rides, whilst also liaising with other universities to coordinate women-specific training days.

Cycling is a sport that can bring everyone together, whether new and gathering confidence, or wanting to push fitness to the ultimate test. I would be honoured to lead this dynamic for UCL cycling club.