Election post


I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the women’s softball team this year and making wonderful friends. Cricket is a sport I hadn’t previously played, partly down to the lack of opportunity for women. Hence, I have been hugely inspired by the club’s commitment to generating participation among women, particularly in the beginner’s team.

Being part of the beginner’s team this year has allowed me to gain a good understanding of the game. I have learned the skills to guide a future team to success, including motivating players and creating a positive environment.

If I were elected, I would:

-       Organise softball sessions at the start of the term aimed at freshers and beginners that may never have played cricket before and want to try something new.

-       Send out a poll ahead of weekly training sessions asking which skills people want to work on in the upcoming session.

-       Organise matches against other university teams on a weekly/fortnightly basis.

-       Host regular socials for softball players.

I plan to continue the excellent work of our current softball captain, who has worked incredibly hard to raise the team spirit and has inspired great success within the club. I plan to guide our team to an equally successful season next year.