Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Emma, a first year law student, and I'm running to be your social sec next year :)

You may have seen me about at wednesday nets, our brighton tour ft. the beloved shrek pig costume, or sportsnight - I was a particularly avid attender in term 1! I have loved every minute of being part of this club since I joined UCL and I'm really passionate about being able to make the experience just as good for everyone next year.

I have played cricket since I was four, and whilst I'm cricket mad and can talk about it for hours, this is not what I think makes me qualified to be your social sec. I absolutely love meeting new people, organising fun things, will religiously come to sportsnight, and I have a ton of ideas to make sure the club is just as fun next year!

These ideas include: sportsnight themes, the introduction of parents and children, dedicated sportsnights every other week in term 2 (when crunch time starts), joint socials with other clubs, cricket-watching trips/socials, mystery tour round 2, and much more!

Additionally, having played male-dominated sports for years, I know the importance of making sure our club caters to all and that everyone feels comfortable within it. I really want to be able to continue our non-alcoholic socials, welfare based socials and non-pressurising, inclusive sportsnight/drinking socials. 

I can't wait to see everyone at this year's AGM and would love to know what ideas everyone has for socials (and tour!) next year xx