Election post
Behind every great man is a greater woman; behind every great society is a great VP.
Tory Soc has undeniably been a sensational, mind-opening, treasured experience for us all; as VP, I am committed to bringing out the very best in the society to give you the best that you deserve.
- Members often lament the blatant dearth of female members, seen in the disproportionate sea of suits and ties that flood every room and meeting - this must be changed. So, I aim to broaden inclusivity; promoting the progressive, inclusive values of Conservatism in such a way as to attract many, many new members. I guarantee you will see more dresses and flowing hair next year.
- We are the oldest Conservative student association in England, but we are not able to attract the same level of attention as Oxbridge, or their repertoire of speakers: I plan to change this. I will introduce speaker led debates in a debating union formation whilst choosing the most riveting and relevant debate topics, attracting the best of the best. We will elevate our name and society to the heights it deserves.
- Lastly, I will regularly engage with and incorporate your input - your ideas and voice are critical for making the society the best for all of us.
Your vote will bring a most dedicated, enthusiastic, innovative VP to the committee, who will do her utmost to give your most memorable year at Tory Soc yet!