Election post


After a long night at the debating salon and one too many glasses of port, a vibrant social party is absolutely necessary to refresh the wearied soul. 

Having met new people every time at each tantalising Tory event, I will prolong the strong Conservative social tradition to maximise your enjoyment of our society and renew its vitality   


As your social secretary, I will:

1. Round up every one of you, as one rounds up sheep, after debates and transport you to beloved establishments (e.g. Players) and new ones alike so swiftly that you’d think you’d stepped into a teleportation portal. 

2. Expanding our social sphere - more collaborative events with London Conservative Universities and associations.

3. Elevate and engorge our social appetites by introducing varied, cultural social events, such as Scottish reeling or Irish Ceilidh.


It helps that yours truly is a natural social butterfly; the promise of a year void of a single dull moment ought to secure your vote!