Election post


As president I shall make activity the name of the game. Activity within the committee, activity within the society and activity within the wider world. I shall engage with members of the committee regularly in meetings and discussions, because I recognise that the higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk. I shall retain and expand on the events this society holds, so that everyone can get involved.

We are the oldest and most prestigious Conservative society in the country, and while I shall not attack our friends at other universities for their youth and inexperience, I believe it is vital we are recognised as such. As president, I shall maintain the respectability of UCL Conservatives, bring in new voices and speakers, push for our members to see better futures and allow us to be proud of the name of Tory.

I believe in Monarchy and tradition, I believe that this society should be counted as one of the great national clubs, and I believe that together, united as Conservatives, we can achieve that.