Election post


Hi everybody!

I was so excited when I found out that I was accepted into the Connect.Ed’s Research Mentorship programme this year! I’ve developed my confidence in academic research so much and have loved the connections I’ve created with other students through the programme. I hope to inspire other students to further their skills through Connect.Ed society and work with the committee to continue developing this amazing community.

As an Economics student, I’m highly competent mathematically and financially, and I would look forward to applying these skills through the role of Treasurer to help the society grow and develop even further. I enjoy the challenge of solving problems, and working three jobs last year (primary school, bakery and chip shop!) means that my organisational and time-management skills are excellent. I love meeting new people and will ensure that every member of the society has their voice heard, and feels supported as they develop their skills through this society.

Thank you for reading!