Election post


Hi, I’m Princess and I’m running for RMP officer because I am willing to commit in planning, promoting, and overseeing the main programme the society offers.

Having been welfare officer for the society, I have been expected to initiate emails to speakers and businesses, organise interviews and help promote events via our Instagram. I believe that these experiences could help in the RMP officer position to get mentors on board with the programme and engage mentees. Welfare officer also meant I had to help plan, coordinate and familiarise myself with the format of events, which I can utilise when planning the RMP Symposium.

As the RMP is the society’s main programme, I would love to help out so that more undergraduates are given the opportunity to get hands-on with research alongside experienced mentors. I believe it would be fulfilling to work on it behind the scenes, as I understand the benefits of the programme; enabling mentees to learn new skills such as data analysis and conducting literature reviews, which can not only make them more employable but it can also help them find a (new) field they would like to get into. I also understand the benefits on the mentor side such as improving leaderships skill, teaching others and working in a team.

I would communicate these benefits if I was RMP officer and I would continue to bring a range of mentors from different disciplines who would expect different skills, which can open up the programme to even more potential mentees.