Election post


Hi, I'm Ashley, currently a first year MEng CS student. As a dedicated member of UCL CSS, I would make an excellent vice president. The society has served as an ideal platform for computer science enthusiasts to network, collaborate and support each other as we pursue our individual goals. CSS has encouraged me to venture out of the dark hobbit hole of a bedroom, especially at the beginning of the term where I met many friends and made fond memories, which is why I am eager to contribute to this community. 

During my time in secondary school, I initiated and led two clubs, which enabled me to develop the necessary experience and skills to serve as the vice president of CSS. I will bring skills of both passion and leadership, providing enjoyable and career-related opportunities for you. 

One of my primary goals is to organise more socials in collaboration with other societies. I also understand the importance of gaining real-world experience and insights into the tech industry. To this end, I will work to organise further events featuring industry professionals where you can network and learn more about emerging technologies. (And of course more hackathons with free food)

Overall, my experience, dedication, and passion make me the ideal candidate for the position of vice president, and I would be honoured to have the opportunity to serve the society in this capacity.


Ashley <3