Election post


Hi, my name is Anna and I am excited to be running for the position of welfare officer for the Communication Society. I am passionate about promoting the wellbeing of others and have always been someone who is willing to listen and support those in need. I believe that being a welfare officer is an important role that requires empathy, understanding, and a commitment to making a positive difference in people's lives.

In addition to my passion for promoting wellbeing, I have a strong love for being involved with the Communication Society. I represented the society at the Warwick Public Speaking competition and won first prize. Next year, I'd love to be involved even more. 

Overall, I believe that my passion for creating a positive atmosphere and my love for the Communication Society make me an ideal candidate for the position of welfare officer. If elected, I would be committed to serving the needs of the society and making a positive difference in the lives of its members. 

I hope to see you next year at our sessions!