Election post


Hi there,

I'm Juliane, you've probably seen me around the Communication Society workshops.

I am standing for president of UCL's Communication — soon to be Public Speaking— society because I feel that I am well-suited for the role. Having been treasurer, events officer, and first year representative, it is clear to me that I have the experience needed to take on this challenging role.

I am well-versed in the organisational demands of putting together the society's events, collaborations, and all of the behind the scenes work that goes into keeping the society alive and thriving. As president, I will work together with the executive committee, striving to make the best decisions for the society.

You can count on me to put in the work where it is needed, to bring in ideas, to be realistic, perhaps even critical, but also to listen, and provide advice. I'm not here for the title, I'm here for you: the members of the Communication Society, current and future public speakers.

This society has so much potential and my aim will be to put us on the map. We have so much to offer: a learning space, a welcoming community, even personal growth. We have a strong foundation and the tools required to build and support the public speakers of the future. 

Now, all I need is your support.

Together, let's bring UCL's one and only Public Speaking Society to the top!