Election post


I am running for events officer so I can build up a space where people can practice their public speaking skills comfortably without any harsh judgements. I’ve previously run for the marketing officer of the society which improved my organisation skills and attention to detail so I can tell what the participants are looking for. And what is that, you ask? They want to be able to build a confident voice before they go out into the real world. And I believe this is easily achievable if they are able to rehearse many times in their peaceful form without fear. They essentially want people eager to listen to them. Having socials already assist in doing both of these as it builds strong connections and now

1) Other speakers are now eager to learn more about your thoughts which you’ve opened up and they would be engaged enough to give you any constructive feedback on your future speeches

2) As a speaker, you will be giving speeches to a friend instead so it’ll be like talking to a friend, so you’d have more to talk about comfortably

So before anyone even gets a chance to regret not trying out public speaking before their upcoming presentations at uni, I'll be there all focused and motivated to create events and socials!! Thank you and I hope I can make the experience of the members amazing.