Election post


Hi, my name is Woojin (Jina) Nam and I’m a current second year History, Politics and Economics student running for Law for All’s Marketing Officer position!

As a Marketing Officer, I want to further develop Law for All’s online presence and hope to build upon the society's current levels of efficiency and organisation to introduce new marketing campaigns so that career-related and social events are easily accessible.

I've managed social media accounts for several societies and institutions before and understand the responsibilities that come with the role. I’ve been the Engagement Officer for SSEES Society this past year and I fully understand the responsibilities that come with the role. I’m excited by the opportunity to further my experience in the role to make creative posts and engaging social media campaigns to help the society interact more with students online. I’ve also had the opportunity to work in marketing and communications for student-led political group London Politica and hope to use my experience there to create more informational social media posts to help raise awareness for significant law-related current affair events. Finally, I enjoy working on graphic design projects and am excited by the opportunity to further grow the society's social media platforms!