Election post


Hi! I am a first-year LLB Laws student, and it would be my honour to serve as Blog Supervisor for LFA. I served as blog editor for the current year, which involved content writing and editing on topics ranging from tech to vaccine patents. Hence, I am familiar with the operations of the blog, and have a good understanding of the potential of our platform as well as ways to leverage it to be of high value to those interested in law. Through an internship with a US magazine, I produced and edited articles reflecting on current events and grew our magazines’ reach internationally. Furthermore, I have experience in growing writing-based platforms through my current job with a startup company, as I successfully led the curation and growth of our newsletter, which entailed studying the strategy of over 20 blogs and newsletters in the industry and creating a structure that reflected our audiences’ needs. 


Diversifying our range of article coverage by:

  • Incorporating more structure into article coverage to reflect our audiences’ needs 
  • Introducing news roundups on relevant legal news 

Expanding our career section to include content such as:

  • interviews with associates, law firms, and other legal personnel on insights and tips (what firms look for, interview tips, etc)
  • takeaways from various networking opportunities with firms
  • guides (with key deadlines) to various networking and work experience opportunities in the city