Election post


Hey, I’m Issey. I’ve had the best time playing lacrosse at UCL for almost the last 2 years and would like to try and take on the challenge of being 1s captain. The women’s 1st team has had an insane season so far, I hope, we can continue this winning streak next year. I’m here for a while (6 years), so when I’m only halfway, in my next year, I could put all my energy into the team. This year our camaraderie has been brilliant, especially when facing obstacles like: games without Zi, Ellie with no working knees, getting repeatedly bruised all over and our recurring lack of subs to name a few. If elected captain I’d do, literally anything, to win varsity. This could include, more games in training to work on tactics when it comes to matches, having inclusive team meetings to raise suggestions and bond over our loathing of mutual enemies and also encourage a better turn out at training and fitness sessions. Maybe even add boxing lessons to work on aggression. If I become captain, I hope I can rise to the challenge Ellie has set and make our team just as good as this next year if not better :)