Election post


Firstly, I have always been a labour member with great interest in the party and the socialist philosophy since sixth form so standing in a leadership position such as Vice President of the UCL labour society would allow me to be able to advance and aid an organisation I love(even though it is at the grassroot level).Given my ability to be flexible, my great communication and organisation skills, as the VP, I will be able to ensure that the UCL labour party events run eloquently ,and are of high quality. People have always described me as someone 'everyone can get a long with' and that I am 'easy to approach'. Thirdly, I believe that some modifications are required within the UCL Labour society, I wish to stand in order to bring these changes:

- More and frequent socials so members can get to know each other better(once a week with a pub night every two weeks)

- Education program; Committee members will educate fellow members(and all those who are interested) on many aspects of the labour party and how you can further your involvement

- More exciting speakers, not just parliamentarians but also socialist academics and thinkers

- Amateur debate sessions with members on key issues such as how to tackle climate change/knife crime/housing crisis

These changes are designed to try and engage all members by providing a variety of events. I will bring my best to make sure that UCL labour society of 2022/23 is the best one yet.