Election post


Hi, my name's Leo, I'm studying history and I'm the current Vice President of Labour Society. I'm hoping to be your Labour Society president for next year!

As President, I would build on the progress we've made this year and expand the society. I would ensure regular exciting events for members, such as debates, talks with MPs and other Labour Party figures, opportunities to get involved with campaigning and the local party and regular socials. Having hosted this year's events with Bell Ribeiro-Addy and Tan Dhesi, I am comfortable interacting with and co-ordinating high-profile individuals, and would continue to deliver these events next year.

Having served as Vice President this year, and formerly as my local constituency's Youth Officer, I have developed an intimate understanding of both the Students' Union and the Labour Party itself; I believe this knowledge places me well to be President next year and ensure the society runs smoothly. Additionally, my experience with the Labour Party thus far has given me useful links which I could use to help deliver interesting and exciting events for members. 

Thanks for reading this, and I hope I have your vote!