Election post


Hi! I'm Sofia, a 2nd year studying Chemistry. I have been crocheting for over 5 years. I joined KnitSoc at the beginning of 2nd year because I have always wanted to learn how to knit but never could get the hang of it, and now I can finally say I know how to and I love it! I am running for president because knitting and crocheting are one of the only things I find exciting (more than my degree at many times). I have really enjoyed coming along to all of the social events this year and helping some beginner crocheters! At many points the weekly socials have been the highlight of my week as I love being in a group of other people working on their projects, so I have a lot of enthusiasm. KnitSoc has also given me a lot of inspiration for upcoming projects. As president I want to maintain the friendly and relaxed atmosphere there already is and to keep up the knitting and crochet lessons as well as the weekly socials. I also want to encourage more collaborations with other societies (baking and knitting social one day perhaps?) and I would love to have a page, maybe on Pinterest, where everyone can share projects they are working on to give inspiration. I have the time and commitment to attend events at least weekly.