Election post


I am Wen Zhe or Zach and I will be running for the Creative Director position in Kinesis Magazine.

First of all, the Creative Director position allows more creative freedom than just volunteering as a graphic designer under Kinesis Magazine. Hence, I want to take advantage of this opportunity and utilize my artistic skills to the fullest to contribute to Kinesis Magazine in a more influential way. Furthermore, as a promise, I will continue to build on the success made by our fellow creative directors and bring their work one step further in terms of appeal with my own twist. 

In regards to experience, I have volunteered for multiple student organizations as a social media manager or digital media leader so teamwork qualities have become one of my fortes. Moreover, I designed several art pieces for Kinesis Magazine this year and their qualities have turned out superb so far. Thus, I am confident that I can serve as a good candidate for the Creative Director position with the skills I have gained while volunteering and developing my art style.

As a side note, I am really excited and thrilled to work with the new Kinesis Magazine team in my upcoming third and final year at UCL!!