Election post


Becoming the Vice President of UCL Kazakh Society, one of the largest cultural societies at UCL, would allow me to positively impact my community and work towards benefiting our society. As such, my manifesto will elaborate on how such societal integrity can be achieved. 

As a current Communication Executive, I've gained invaluable experience of working in a creative environment of peers with diverse perspectives - an environment I am willing to preserve and cultivate next year. My leadership experience as an Editor-in-Chief of a school newspaper, Founder of the MUN club, and Head of Marketing in other UCL societies have positively contributed to my character and developed my professional and soft skills. 

UCL Kazakh Society is an established organization of passionate and dedicated students, where I see a great scope for progress. Next year, together with the President and the committee, I aspire to move society forward by implementing more team-building activities, professional career-oriented events, and panel discussions, whilst preserving its best traditions. 

Thank you.