Election post


Karting is one of the best ways to unwind, relax and compete with friends after a long day of university work. It's even better when there's an entire community dedicated to embracing casually and competitively passionate karters, organising exciting events across different tracks in London.

Therefore, leading this community would be an honour. I've got a robust plan in place to make the UCL Karting Club better than ever. Have a look:

  • Booking indoor tracks exclusively for UCL Karting Club members, with a better racing format
    • Social karting events will include organised race sessions exclusive to UCL with practice, qualifying and racing instead of just timed 15-minute sessions
    • For those who want more immersive and true wheel-to-wheel action with a podium celebration, but are not in the smaller competitive team
    • Events with simpler, timed sessions will also be held to introduce newcomers
  • Greater variety & frequency of socials - we can do so much more than only going to bars!
    • Bowling and F1/motorsports quiz nights will be held, bringing us together while chatting about what we love most
  • Taking the racing to the digital world
    • We'll have a Discord server so that you can play racing sims & simcades such as F1, AC and iRacing with other members - virtual races and events will be held!

All of this and more is on the agenda if I become President of the UCL Karting Club, and I hope you'll give me your vote!