Election post


Being a K-pop fan for 7 years has exposed me to different eras and video styles. I have experience in uploading to YouTube, and used to caption K-pop stages, so I am very familiar with all things YouTube, as well as most social media platforms.

I also performed in the term 1 showcase and have a good understanding of the way the showcase runs. I experienced how hard the dancers and leaders work for their showcase pieces, so I know it is important to film and edit their pieces well to show off their talents and do their weeks of hard work justice. I witnessed from the current tech officers, the time and dedication it takes to be one, and I believe I will be able to meet up to the demands of the role and help showcases run smoothly.

Being a computer science student has improved my ability to learn fast, so I will be able to adapt to new editing tools and styles. I have great time management and am very flexible so I will be available to film the dance classes and the showcases. Having the latest iPhone and MacBook Pro means that filming and editing will be of great quality and will be done efficiently.

I have great listening and communicating skills, both of which are important to working with the rest of the K-pop committee to bring their visions and video ideas to life. I am very excited to be involved in the K-pop society, because K-pop is a huge part of my life, and I hope to help the society make it a huge part of others’ lives too.