Election post


Hey! I’m Seb, a Statistics student and bass player, currently in first year.

I am running for Jam Manager as I would like to continue the tradition of Jazz Night Tuesdays at Phineas in a fresh way.

Since joining UCL, the Jam has offered me a quality experience to develop my jazz playing as well as providing a consistent performance opportunity.

As Jam Manager I would like to implement monthly ‘themed nights’, showcasing either a particular composer, instrument or part of the world. I would also like to reduce time spent between songs particularly at the open jam, as this would allow the maximum music player which is definitely a good thing! This could be done by a digital sign up sheet or song suggester.

I have experience MDing bands which I think will come in useful for this role.

Thanks for reading my nomination and hopefully you think I’d be a good fit for Jam Manager.