Election post


Hi guys! I’m Kazuki Shiina, a first year History of Art student who loves visiting galleries, going on trips and reading manga!! I have contributed to activities Japan Society has held this year including being Japanese teacher, it was so fascinating and enjoyable that I definitely want to contribute more to the society next year! 

I worked as designer and illustrator for my annual Japanese high school festival, which was the biggest event of the year for us – so it was a really important role. I designed a variety of things from posters to an arcade gaming console! This experience would be useful as a marketing representative because as I have experience using art for marketing purposes moreover I am good at incorporating people’s ideas and creating illustrations which reflect everyone’s ideas! I am good at comic illustrations which I used whilst teaching Japanese in class, which was very well received I’d like to mention! I would love to use this somewhat useful skill and include them in more of Japan Society’s posts so that you can see my awesome art style!!

I would love to suggest more Japanese cultural events related to art! I did a short intern in a Japanese wood printing gallery, I would like to be given the opportunity to liaise an event between the people from there and our society to hold an event about Japanese traditional art. These events would give you more chances to connect with Japan in a variety of different ways!