Election post


Hey everyone, my name is Harvey Nriapia and I am running to be your Speakers VP.

I have been a Speakers Exec this year and it has been a fulfilling and enjoyable journey. Being the only candidate with experience in the Speakers division, I understand the demands of this role and look forward to leading the team to continue to provide the renowned speakers events and interviews that UCLIS is known for.

I was instrumental in pulling off the UCLIS Finance Conference of 2021 — both inviting and interviewing esteemed speakers to an audience of over 300 members. It was our most successful event to date and being part of the team that brought it to life fills me with great pride.

Having a deep understanding of financial trends and markets, I am able to execute incisive interviews with leaders and trailblazers in the industry and look forward to organising numerous events with high-profile speakers throughout the upcoming year.

UCLIS is bouncing back post-covid, and I want to continue the successes of the most prestigious society at UCL.

Vote Harvey.