Election post


Hello! I’m Jun Zhe and I am a second-year Economics student running for Vice President of Client Relations at UCL Investment Society.

Being a current Client Relations executive with UCLIS, I have a thorough understanding of the process behind acquiring sponsorships and partnerships. From securing successful sponsorships throughout the year, I learned effective communication with different firms which entailed negotiations through client meetings. With my current experience of being the treasurer of UCL Singapore Society, I am well versed with the Student Union's logistical processes and the drafting of sponsorship contracts.

Furthermore, my internship experiences in asset management and private equity allowed me to interact with clients and improve my communication and presentation skills.


My main goals if elected:

  1. Forge closer relationships within UCL Guild through creative collaborations with other Guild Societies to have a better variety of events for UCLIS members.
  2. Explore partnerships with firms to host stock-pitch and trading competitions to connect UCL students with prestigious firms, allowing students to get an early advantage in internship recruitment.
  3. Finding sponsorships beyond the financial industry such as corporate law firms to ensure increased funding.


With my past experiences, being the VP of Client Relations is the best way for me to contribute back to UCLIS and I hope that you would all vote for me!