Election post


Hi, I am Aarushi, a second-year Statistics, Economics and Finance student. As UCLIS’s Marketing VP, I worked closely with all the divisions to successfully market all our events. This experience gave me invaluable insights into how UCLIS functions.

Last year, I got an opportunity to not only learn about marketing but also help in organising the biggest UCL Finance Conference sharpening my skills. The kind of flexibility and willingness to help that we developed within the committee motivates me to have a more active role in leading the committee as the Treasurer and thus foster UCLIS’s core values next year. As the Head Girl of my school and the student representative of my course for 2 years now, I understand the responsibility of a leader and am committed to make all our members feel involved and valued as an able Treasurer.

If elected, I will build upon the amazing initiatives that previous committees have developed and expand to other global universities to encourage networking.

I believe I am a strong candidate for this position as I understand the work be it budgeting each of our events or communicating with the Students Union or leading the society as a whole. I am very approachable which is essential for this role, and I have seen Anna Gatti, the current treasurer, exhibit it too. As an incoming summer global data intern at Bloomberg, problem solving and communication skills are my biggest strengths and that will prove to be very helpful in this role.