Election post


Hi, I’m Rhea and I’m running for finance officer.

As a committed member of Indian society, I believe finance and sponsorship are fundamental parts of running successful large-scale events. Without funding, events would not be possible, and I want to be a part of creating an outstanding and unforgettable experience for the events in the coming year. I believe that my strengths of organisation, communication, and teamwork align well with the qualities for this role.

As a first-year economics student, my long-term aspirations are to work within the finance sector. Having been chosen as finance director for my young enterprise team, worked as a student intern at Lloyds Bank, and attended several networking events, I have been involved in communicating and building relationships with people, which is key to securing deals and sponsors with several businesses. Undertaking these responsibilities has invaluably enhanced my interpersonal skills whilst giving me an appreciation of time management.

Having received sponsorships and brand deals on social media, I do have the experience of liaising with companies and negotiating appropriate contractual agreements, which have been very successful. Fundraising events are a great way to encourage many to participate in our events and raise money for charity. If given this opportunity as finance officer, I aim to bring in more sponsors and maximise our funding, which will allow us to host memorable events for you all.