Election post


Hi everyone, I’m Harry and I am a First Year Chemical Engineering student.

Generating deals and creating relationships is what I love to do.

Having the funding to see our ideas become a reality is crucial to the growth of our society and is exactly what I see myself providing as a future Finance Officer. I would love to able to be the medium between seeing our new ideas come into fruition. 

Over my year as an Indian Society First Year Representative, I have gotten to experience the skills it takes to build a reliable network of sponsors for a successful society. 

Those being:

  • Negotiation
  • Effective time management
  • Analytical thinking 
  • Humility and respect

Which are exactly the qualities I believe I stand out in applying for this position, having shown them throughout the year organising amazing events for the society, e.g. Jashn!

In the coming year I want to take the society to new heights, and I believe this is the perfect role to do so. With my previous experience in finance roles in sixth form, I plan to secure some of the biggest sponsors the society has ever previously had. Through the connections I have built, we will see our community shine like never before!

I’m looking forward to working to create a year to remember :)

Vote Harry!