Election post


The return to (almost) normality has been as good as we ever hoped for. Although I didn’t join UCLWHC in 2020, being a part of it in my second year has definitely been one of the highlights of my university experience. We are lucky to be part of such a fun, supportive community, that also takes volunteering and sustainability seriously! I would love to be the Volunteering and Community Outreach Secretary next year and make sure we continue being an active society in all things charity-related! 

This year we got involved with different charities, but I think it would also be great to find an organisation we can support throughout all of next year. I’d definitely be open to suggestions of causes that matter to us, but I have some in mind, like the Survivors Trust or the Pink Ribbon Foundation. For these, I would love to have monthly events (such as pub quizzes, fundraising races) to raise money and awareness - alone as well as with the men’s club. I would also organise the usual yearly events like Coppafeel, Sustainability Week, etc. 

I take volunteering very seriously, having been involved with different associations since High School, and I believe I would be an ideal candidate for the position. If you want to help make great things happen while having fun, make me your Volunteering Secretary! If all of this babbling hasn’t convinced you, I'm sure the little (and very creative) poem I will read at the AGM will nudge you in the right direction.