Election post


Every Tuesday, I tell myself not to drink too much. Every Wednesday, I always do. Thursday lectures are yet to see me. My commitment to Scala is strong – just ask anyone in the 3s. I’ve loved my first year in UCL hockey, partly due to the socials every Wednesday, so I want to help a whole new year of freshers see what UCL hockey is all about and see all the great people we have in this club. As social sec I would try hard to make sure the turnout to Scala is always strong.

As social sec I would love to get some more INtegration from the 3s and 4s freshers INto the hockey club and have more socials between teams. More socials IN hockey families will be strongly INcouraged, so everyone gets to know everyone IN the club. I’ll do my best to welcome all the new freshers next year and make sure they love hockey as much as I have as a fresher.

Some new ideas for social themes:

  • Superhero’s
  • Mario kart
  • Dress as your degree

I can’t wait for next year when new freshers learn that Wednesdays are a write off, when it comes to work and the numbers T-E-N and 20+1 must never be uttered. So, if you want a year of fun socials and INtegration, vote Siena.