Election post


Hi, I'm Ed, a second year history student. My reasons for running are twofold: Since the end of the pandemic and the resumption of BUCS hockey, thinking about how the club can be more sustainable is vital. If, like me, you do an easy degree and so only leave the house to play hockey, your travel to training and games is probably a large part of your carbon footprint. If, unlike me, you're a massive heavyweight in Scala, the thousands of plastic VK bottles you empty every week are probably your main concern, and I want the club to be far more introspective about how we can reduce waste and be greener (note: 1s players, I am not talking about receiving more cards). I aim to promote sustainable travel for the club, and to try to decrease or offset the carbon footprint of Wednesday activities. Secondly, I love a banging kit. As Confucius once said, ‘look sexy, play sexy’, and having met the members of the club, a nice kit is the only realistic way to achieve this (especially as Elliott is leaving). I hope to lean on my contacts in the industry (please ask me about them I literally love telling this story) to deliver a kit so unbelievably unreal that no-one will want to take it off for Scala, thereby reducing Wednesday clothing purchases by almost 100%. Lastly, as president of the Keepers’ Union, I will ensure that the club maintains at least one functioning goalkeeping kit, to reduce the barrier to entry of goalkeeping at university. XOXO Peachey <3