Election post


Hi! I’m Ana, a first-year undergrad in History of Art. The HoA society has easily been my favorite society this year. I met many of my friends in the freshers week socials, which I am really thankful for as a first-year international student. I want everyone in the society to have this opportunity next year, regardless of their degree, year, or relationship to art.

As treasurer, I would ensure that the finances available are well distributed to have a variety of events, from socials inside and outside of the departmental building, talks by inspiring speakers, perhaps trips to regional museums (and of course tote bags). I’m very organized and good with numbers, so I would make sure we have fun events distributed throughout the year and in different capacities. But I think that the most important thing is working as a team. A few of us who attended last week's election social already had exciting potential ideas for events!

This year, I was a student rep for History of Art, attending to all the areas involved in student life. I know how crucial social life and having first-hand experiences of art are. Also, in the years before coming to UCL, I was in my school’s student council, where we organized events for our high school and found ways to fund them. I therefore have a great grasp of coordinating events and of managing a budget.

It would be incredibly rewarding to be your treasurer. My goal is to promote a space of exchange and inspiration in art history.