Election post


I’d love to take on the role as welfare officer for Hindu society next year because I’ve really enjoyed the various Hindu society events so far and so I think this would be a great opportunity to give back to the community. Getting involved with Rangeela, I appreciated how nice it was to be part of a community and meet people like me, as well as connecting more with my culture. So this is something I’d love to help out with next year. I’d also say I am well-informed about our religion and culture, including the traditions, food, music, and all-things Bollywood of course, and so I think I’m in a good position to take on a role in Hindu society. The role of welfare officer comes with great responsibility as there are bound to be mishaps, but I think I’d be able to deal with these situations promptly and efficiently to allow for everything to run smoothly as I’d say it’s in my personality to be level-headed and rational. With regards to my experience, I was selected to be a first-year academic rep for my course so I’ve got experience with communicating and coordinating with not only many people, but also a range of people. My role also involved coming up with effective solutions to the complaints my peers had and conveying this in a constructive way - a key skill I can use here. To sum up, I would love for the chance to get stuck in and take on this role because I think it’ll be really rewarding and a nice way to contribute to Hindu society.