Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Shamin; I am running for President. Having been the Treasurer for the past year, I have a solid understanding of the Club’s finances and workings, and have ensured our hikes, residentials and socials run successfully. I am also well versed in communicating with the Student Union to ensure effective collaboration. My involvement means I know what we can do to make the Club even better:

 • Increase hiking variety by introducing a second weekend hike, twice a month. This would include shorter, leisurely walks closer to London benefitting beginners, as well as day-long challenging hikes for advanced members. This way you can experience the UK outdoors, regardless of your hiking ability.

 • Have more collaboration with other outdoor societies, e.g. scrambling and mountaineering. I also aim to continue our sustainability pledge by working with environmentally conscious organisations to raise eco-awareness among our members.

 • Improve the overall social atmosphere in our Club, so members can always interact with each other even if they don’t hike every weekend. This involves better integrations with our Discord and Instagram to encourage more discussion and engagement, as well as bi-weekly social events.

I have loved being a part the Hiking Club for the last couple years, and as President I will thrive to keep the same welcoming environment, so you can enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you.