Election post


Hi, I'm Noura, a first-year History Student and one of Her Campus' Freshers Representatives! I am running for president for next year; as Fresher's Representative, I've been involved with the committee since the beginning of the year and would love to continue to be involved in the society. If I were elected as president, I would want to achieve the following: 

  1. Increase communication between the committee and the wider society: I believe keeping communication with the wider society on the committee side is crucial. As president, I would want to consistently check in with society on what they would like to see from the committee. I value feedback to ensure that Her Campus runs smoothly and all society members are happy.
  2. Increase events in-person: With the constantly changing COVID-19 situation in mind, I would increase the amount of in-person events within the society. If I were elected, I would begin drafting event ideas with the committee as soon as possible to ensure we can start with events at the beginning of the school year.
  3. Themed Months: I would like to increase awareness within the society of upcoming celebratory/themed months (ex: Black History Month, LGBTQ+ History Month, etc.). As president, I would like to organize in advance for these months to ensure we can publish articles on the given month. For example, throughout LGBTQ+ History month, having an article released weekly focusing on a prominent LGBTQ+ event/person in history.