Election post


Hey everyone, I am Toby and am running for Treasurer in Handball Club!

Although this was only my first year in the handball team at UCL, I already felt a very strong sense of belonging to the club from the matches, trainings and of course also our pub socials. As I see myself continuing to play for the handball team in the coming year, I hope to take up more responsibility in running the club, and becoming the Treasurer will be the perfect opportunity for me to achieve this goal.

I believe I am suitable for this role because I am a responsible person who can be entrusted with managing the club's finances. I have had past experiences as treasurer before in other groups as well, which makes me more prepared for this role. Besides, I have been actively participating in handball club and team activities this year so I have decent knowledge about the operations of the club. 

If I become the treasurer, I hope to get more funding for our travels on away games and jerseys. I will also work closely with other committee members to plan activities for all members to ensure that you all have the best experience in the team!