Election post


Hey, I’m Ameera, a first year PPE student and I am really excited to run for welfare officer. Being in a busy city like London, university life becomes overwhelming thus I would love to be the helping hand in ensuring your well-being is looked after.

I am best suited for this role as during my entire secondary school, I was a well-being student leader. This involved executing activities that raised mental health awareness and building deeper connections with the students around me. The importance of mental health is continually overlooked and in this fast-paced society, it has become vital to equip ourselves to focus on self-care.

As a welfare officer, I feel I would focus on making sure that everyone within the society is able to voice their opinions or any issues they have. Promoting cohesion and communication between members is also very important. By nature I am very caring and friendly thus I would love to be there for anyone who would like a helping hand. Feel free to approach me whenever :)

I hope to make your experience as enjoyable and comfortable as it can be :)

Much love,
