Election post


Hi everyone, I am Nicholas and I am running for the role of treasurer!


The role of Treasurer requires someone who shows financial ability, leadership, and great commitment to Greenough society. I have previously completed a young investment banker program and won an entrepreneur competition as the team financial controller in my sixth form years. In boarding school, I worked in a team that has successfully raised over £2000 for charity. Being a house prefect, I am proven to be a reliable and driven team player. I believe that I can transfer my skill set to the role of treasurer.


Furthermore, as I have been on the committee for the past two years, I had wonderful opportunities to gain an insight into the functioning of the society: I am willing to help with other areas and support the president and the rest of the committee at all times. I enjoyed every moment I have had in Greenough events. Entering year 3 in my program, I aspire to give back to the society that has been a home to me since week 1 in UCL.


If I can have the privilege to become the Treasurer, I hope to ensure our transparency and also to keep an accurate account of the society’s funds. Promising commitment to the post and its responsibilities, I hope to be considered for the role of being Treasurer.