Election post


Hi everyone,

I am a second-year Economics student and would like to run for treasurer of the Green Economy society next year.

Words like ‘sustainability’, ‘circular economy’, ‘climate change’ and more have been mentioned countless times by professors, friends, family, and every social media platform I visit. However, I could not grasp the connection between sustainability and my study until I attended the Green Business Forum organised by the Green Economy society last year. Even though it was held online, the impact that it made on my first year at university was tremendous. It made me rethink my future career choices and the way I approach my studies. Therefore, I would like to provide this opportunity for coming students so they can have the same enriching experiences as I did. I am confident that I will support the committee in terms of finances with the skills that I have acquired as a previous treasurer of one of the biggest societies at UCL. Let’s create a sustainable, fair, and friendly environment for everyone!

